Srinagar, Dec 25: In a swift response to reports circulating on social media, the Jammu and Kashmir Police in Anantnag have taken legal action against an individual accused of engaging in extortion activities. The accused, identified as Saqib Bashir Ganai, a resident of Rakh Moman Bijbehara in District Anantnag, allegedly exploited unsuspecting individuals with the intention of illegally extorting money from them.
The police initiated action based on both social media reports and a formal complaint received regarding Ganai’s activities. In an official statement, the police confirmed that a case, FIR No. 294/2023, has been registered against Saqib Bashir Ganai under relevant sections of the law at Police Station Bijbehara.
The accused has been promptly identified and taken into custody in connection with the extortion case. The police are expected to conduct a thorough investigation to unravel the extent of the alleged extortion scheme and to gather evidence for legal proceedings.
A statement issued by the police urged citizens to exercise caution when using the internet and social media apps. It emphasized the importance of reporting grievances directly to the police for appropriate legal action, rather than resorting to social media platforms. The cautionary advice comes in the wake of increasing instances where individuals fall victim to online scams and extortion attempts.
The police’s swift response reflects their commitment to maintaining law and order and ensuring the safety of the community. Authorities encourage the public to remain vigilant and collaborate with law enforcement agencies to curb such illegal activities, fostering a safer digital environment for residents in the region.