\SRINAGAR, Jan 24: The officers of 18 services (Promotee) have framed a group under the leadership of Ghulam Rasool Mir, Under Secretary, aimed to struggle for safeguarding the interests of the officers falling in the feeding service of KAS Cadre.
The group met here, today, in the back-drop of the KAS induction, presently under consideration of the Government and discussed in detail the ratio of the total KAS slots and the slots so for allotted to direct recruits and promotee group.
It was informed that out of total 740 slots of KAS, the 50:50 share goes to promotees and direct recruits. Accordingly, 370 slots go to promotes of 18 services, which include Secretariat, Information, Revenue, Rural development, Social Welfare, Food Supplies, Tourism, H&P, State Taxes, Excise, Labour, Industries, Handicrafts, Handloom, Cooperatives, Employment etc and 370 go to direct recruit (Junior KAS officers). At present 364 slots have been occupied by the direct recruits against their share of 370 leaving a balance of 6 slots while this figure is just 142 slots allotted to promotee group against their share of 370, leaving a huge balance of 228 slot, which are yet to be inducted.
The president while discussing the issue said that Government has issued an order under No. 107-GAD on January 16, 2002 aimed to bridge the gap of slots remains between direct recruits and promotee group. “It is astonished to know that despite issuing the order, in compliance of Court directions and the Government order, the Govt has failed to bridge this gap during these long 12 years from 2002” said the president and exhorted upon the officers (Promotee group) to unite and struggle for their share in KAS inductions. He suggested that a team of officers of 18 services will meet the Chief Secretary for getting the pending slots of (Promotee group) restored/allotted in order to balance the slots in KAS cadre.
The president said that the matter would be brought in the notice of Governor, the Advisors and the Commissioner Secretary GAD as well.
While appealing the Government to make the induction process transparent, the president said that the criteria fixed and the method of allotment being adopted by GAD must be open to all the officers of both the sources. He said, earlier, this process was undertaken clandestinely which is the reason of diversion of 228 slots meant for promote group to direct recruits that two in violation of Court directions and Government order No 107.
The president assured the officers that no stone will be kept unturned for getting these 228 slots reverted back to promotee group and suggested Government to honour Court direction and adopt an impartial policy in this regard to avoid any confrontation and litigation. However, we are hopeful of justice as long as Chief Secretary is on chair and monitoring the exercise of induction.