Srinagar, May 18 : The Food Corporation of India has released only 50% of rice for the month of June creating a shortage of ration in stores of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, with the directorate alerting with FCI.
The FCI has also not released the rice as per the Mufti Mohammad Sayeed Food Entitlement Scheme.
The FCS&CA Assistant director has shot a letter to Director to raise the issue of “insufficient stocks of foodgrains at FCI stations” with FCI authorities to avoid public backlash.
“It is to intimate that as per the stock position of FCI there are 3,33,380.00 quintals of rice presently available at various FCI stations. This directorate has to lift 3,37,777.66 quintals of rice for the month of June 2019 and against the 3,37,777.66 quintals of rice FCI authorities have issued only 50 % of release orders for current month,” the letter shot by Assistant Director (Stores) to Director says.
“It is expedient to mention here that this office has requested to FCI authorities to upload 4950 MTS of rice for implementation of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed Food Entitlement Scheme vide this office letter no FCS&CA/ADS/MMSFES/104/2302-2304 dated 13.05.2019 for different FCI stations but no one of our station was uploaded vide their letter no Comml./2(1)/RICE/OMSS(D)/J&K/19-20, dated 10.05.2019.”
The assistant director has urged the director to take up the matter with FCI authorities to enhance the stock at all FCI stations/Peg’s and also upload OMSS (D) at all FCI stations of Kashmir valley, so that food grains could be lifted/distributed among the genuine rationees in an hassle free manner to avoid any public criticism.
“The non availability of stock hampers the process of lifting and there is every apprehension for lapsation,” he says in the letter.