Sumaya Jan
SRINAGAR, Sep 26: With winter set to begin in Kashmir, the Roads and Buildings Department Saturday said it in nearing to complete the target for 1000 kms macdamisation of roads this year in Srinagar.
Macadamization of roads in Kashmir is being done from June to September in Kashmir when temperature remains above 25 degree celcius.
Chief Engineer Roads and Buildings Department Kashmir Showkat Jeelani said they are nearing to achieve the set target of 1000 kms macdamisation of roads this year in Srinagar.
“Over 980 kilometres of road length has been macdamised this year so far,” Jeelani told news agency Kashmir Indepth News Service.
Asked about complaints by people that roads in several areas like Bemina have not been macdamised and are in bad condition, he replied, “Bemina is a big area. New colonies have been developed there. It is not possible to macdamise whole Bemina area.”
Roads in Kashmir especially in parts of Srinagar are in bad condition causing immense hardships to people.
Several roads that were macadamised for the past over a year have also started developing potholes.
Locals also complain that the shabby roads makes problem more complex during rainfall when water gets accumulate in potholes.
They said government had received complaints that several roads have started developing potholes that were executed during the last few years and many were worn-out within weeks.
There were reports that contractors were violating rules by using unapproved material in several road constructions.