Kashmir Indepth

Director Agriculture reviews stock/ supply position of chemical fertilizers in Kashmir

SRINAGAR, NOVEMBER 18 ( KINS): The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal today reviewed the stock, supply and distribution position of different chemical fertilizers in Kashmir Division during a meeting convened at Agriculture Complex Lal Mandi, here.

On the occasion, the Director took a detailed district wise report of the physical availability of different chemical fertilizers in the valley.

While addressing the meeting, the Director said that the department is working for the welfare of farmers to address their issues on priority.

He instructed the officers that all the efforts should be put in to ensure the availability of quality fertilizers at the right time to the farming community.

He said those indulging in black marketing are actually trying to create an artificial shortage of fertilizers but the department’s enforcement wing along with the other stakeholders has been taking action against them as per law and shall continue to do so in future also to control such activities.

Director gave instructions to concerned officers to cancel the licenses of all those erring fertilizer traders who are working against the interests of the farming community.

He impressed upon the fertilizer dealers to keep sufficient stock of different fertilizers available so that the farmers may not suffer due to their shortage.

Joint Director Agriculture Extension Shahid Iqbal, Deputy Director Law Enforcement Kashmir Javeed Samoon, Assistant Director Law Enforcement Srinagar Sheikh Imran, authorized representatives of leading fertilizer manufacturing companies, wholesale fertilizer dealers of the valley were present in the meeting, while all the Chief Agriculture Officers of Kashmir Division participated virtually.( KINS)


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