Kashmir Indepth

We are in total control of situation in JK: Army

Srinagar, Jan 10 : Stating that they are in total control of situation along Loc and as well as on hinterland, Army on Wednesday said that there is an effective decline in local youth joining the militate ranks in the Valley.
Talking to reporters on the sidelines of the winter sports function at Gulmarg, Northern Command Chief Lt Gen Ranbir Singh told reporters that in 2018, many local youth joined the militancy as per their assessment but from past four to five months, there is effective decline in the local youth joining the militant ranks.
“It is because of the sustained efforts of government and security forces that we have been able to prevail upon parents and teachers so that they aware their children over not to join militant ranks,” he said.
He added that Army is in total control of the situation as far as Line of Control and hinterland is concerned, saying that the number of infiltration bid has been foiled.
“Pakistan continues to violate ceasefire with a view to facilitate infiltrators to give them a cover to cross across Loc. Our strategy is clear, whenever there is ceasefire they are given a befitting reply and it is to the credit to troopers on Loc that we have been able to keep enemy under tremendous pressure,” he said.
The northern command chief said that while Pakistan might initiate small action to support infiltrators, however they are given deterrent punishment so that they should avoid such misadventures. “We have a range of options to tackle the situation and we will use that depending on the situation,” he said.
About anti-militancy operations, Northern Command Chief said that “Operations have continued whether counter infiltration bid on in the hinterland, there is lot of flow in the information due to which we have achieved huge security success in past one year. More than 250 killed in one year, 50 militants were arrested and about five surrendered, which is a huge success.”
About radicalization, Lt Ranbir Singh said “Our adversary is using social media to a large extend with a view to radicalize our youth to take them on wrong path, give them fake promises and to give false feeling that they will be able to get Azadi in the manner our adversary feels but youth has a lot of knowledge and potential. We are all working together to ensure the defeat of such kind of situation.”
“Social media is platform which has been an issue of concern for some time. We are putting various measures in place at different levels to tackle the situation. We are a step ahead. Our aim will always be to remain ahead as far as social media is concerned,” he said while replying to a query.
Asked about 2018, he said that several things happened in Kashmir that include non-initiation of combat, Amarnath yatra, elections and other things that went peacefully. “As far as forces are concerned, we are always ready for any kind of situation. AS the elections are going to take place in 2019, there will be activities from adversary, but armed forces are fully prepared to tackle any kind of situation that could arise any time,” he said. (KNS)


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