Kashmir Indepth

Sub-standard Hand Sanitizers; Drug Dept carries raids in Sgr, lifts dozens of samples for testing

Will take action if sprays found sub-standard: Drug Controller Kmr

Ishtiyaq Ahmed
Srinagar, March 11 (KINS): At a time when demand for sanitizers and masks is an all-time high in Kashmir in the wake of fast-spreading Covid-95 which has taken the entire world by a storm, a silent entry of sub-standard sanitizers have allegedly reached Kashmir markets forcing the Drug department to launch a prompt drive.

To begin with, dozens of sample sanitizers have been lifted by the Drug department from Srinagar markets for testing after repeated allegations that “sub-standard sanitizers” were being sold in markets.

Official sources told Kashmir Indepth News Service that the Drug department received a series of complaints that at a time when demand for sanitizers have gone up in Kashmir, especially Srinagar, the capital city of J&K Union Territory (UT), many chemists were allegedly selling sub-standard sanitizers.

An official at the Drug department said that after receiving dozens of phone calls from the people, the department on the directions of Drug Controller Irfana launched a massive drive to check whether the allegations were true.

“Our teams conducted raids in Srinagar markets including Maisuma, Jehangir Chowk, outside SMHS hospital, Lal Chowk and lifted samples of sanitizers available in the market. We will be sending these samples for testing to check whether they are sub-standard or up to the mark,” she said.

An official in the Drug department revealed that nearly 20 samples of various types of sanitizers were lifted from chemist shops and will soon be sent for testing. “If any samples prove to be sub-standard, strong action will be taken against the Chemist. As per the law, if samples were proven as sub-standard, the chemist will be booked and punished accordingly,” Drug controller Kashmir Irfana told Kashmir Indepth News Service over the phone.

Ever since the J&K government announced alert and issued directions to people to take precautions like frequent washing of hands, following coughing manners and maintaining distance from the people having flu symptoms, etc, people have been thronging the Chemist shops to buy face masks and sanitizers in bulk. “There is a huge demand for face masks and sanitizers. We are repeatedly asking the dealers to send fresh supplies of masks and sanitizers given the demand. People buy sanitizers and masks in bulk,” said a Chemist at Lal Chowk area of Srinagar.

He said that for a day, there was a shortage of these items, but fresh supplies have arrived. “The supplies hardly last for two days and we have to again call for fresh supplies,” the Chemist said. He said that there was no question of sanitizers being sub-standard. “And if any company has played any mischief, the company is itself responsible not the chemist,” he said. (KINS)

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