Kashmir Indepth

‘Ours is a noble profession, we don’t need anyone’s appreciation certificate’, say Kashmiri nurses who fight valiantly against COVID-19


Srinagar, April 15 (KINS): “We work day and night. We spent hours with patients unlike doctors who come once for a round. We are never being appreciated by authorities unlike doctors,” says a nurse, who is working in one of the associated hospitals of Government Medical College Srinagar.

She was referring to a tweet by Principal GMC Srinagar, where she has appreciated doctors’ work in dealing with COVID-19.

But nurses are also on the forefront and spend hours in wards unmindful of their health.

“SMHS hospital is on the forefront, bearing all the burden of possible covid cases and the residents at the hospital are constantly exposed to the virus. They are doing a commendable job in isolating suspects and taking care of all other non-covid patients. My gratitude to them,” the Principal GMC said in a tweet.

In another tweet she said, “Thanks to our staff especially microbiology department and the lab personnel dealing with the live virus. Doctors of CD hospital and all my residents in different associated hospitals who are exposed to the virus deserve commendation and kudos as well as prayers.”

Her tweet was widely liked by doctors.

However, the nurse says there is a “step motherly” treatment towards nursing profession. “Ours is a noble profession and we are proud of that. Tell patients who is taking care of them day and night,” asked the nurse.

She told Kashmir Indepth News Service (KINS) that nurses are unmindful of their health and are not being properly protected.

“Five nurses have to share one small room in the ward. We have to share washroom with attendants. Our role is as important as doctors but we are not provided proper accommodation,” she added.

Seconding her, another nurse told KINS that they were not being properly treated. “Some think doctors are from well-off families and they only deserve respect. One should sincere in his approach and Allah can reward him,” he said.

Another nurse said nobody was renting them accommodation. “We are facing social stigma. People prefer to stay away from us. Nobody wants us to enter their homes saying they may get infected. Even our families are telling us to stay at hospital that we may bring home coronavirus,” the nurse added.

Parven Khan, president of the nurses association Kashmir, said government needs to protect nurses who work for 24×7 in hospitals.

“Ours is a noble profession and we are proud of that. Whether anybody appreciates our work or not, does not matter for us,” she told Kashmir Indepth News Service (KINS). She also said nurses were not being given proper accommodation.

Principal GMC Srinagar Dr Samia has said that those need accommodation should approach to concerned authorities.(KINS)

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