Kashmir Indepth

ROB organizes photo exhibition on Mahatma Gandhi at Jammu

Srinagar, Sep 24 (KINS): Regional Outreach Bureau, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, in collaboration with Department of Information and Public Relations, today organized a two day photo exhibition on completion of yearlong celebration of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, here at media complex.
Joint Director Information Jammu, Namrita Dogra inaugurated the exhibition.
Speaking on the occasion, the Joint Director Information said that ROB and Information has organized the exhibition, which is based on the life history/struggle of Mahatma Gandhi after completion of   year long celebration of 150 years of Mahatma Gandhi.
She said that the teachings/ message of Gandhi Ji still very relevant in present time specially the Swacchta Abhiyan, cleanliness. She urged the public to follow the message of Gandhi Ji for cleanliness and keeping their surroundings clean and well sanitize which is necessary especially in the times of Covid pandemic.
Deputy Director ROB, Neha Jalali, while speaking on the occasion said that the ROB has organised series of activities to celebrate 150th years of Mahatma Gandhi and on culmination of yearlong celebration this photo exhibition was organized. She threw light on life history of Gandhi Ji and said his principles and teachings are still relevant in contemporary era. She urged the public to follow principles of Gandhi Ji and implement in their life.
Photos of Mahatma Gandhi’s life right from his school days, his arrival in India from South Africa, his time in Eravada jail, the non-cooperation movement, salt satyagraha, Quit India movement and other important moments of his life were displayed at the exhibition.
Cultural Officer Information Department, Parul Khajuria besides other officers, officials of the ROB and Information Department were also present.(KINS)

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