Kashmir Indepth

Divisional Administration Jammu appeals people to follow Covid Appropriate Behaviour

JAMMU, AUGUST 31( KINS ): Divisional Administration Jammu has appealed people to strictly follow the COVID related guidelines, social distancing norms, wearing of masks etc besides take vaccines to stay safe amid expected fresh wave of pandemic.

All the target groups have been advised to take vaccine doses upon their turn and as per the schedule notified by concerned District Administrations.

Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Dr Raghav Langer said that reasonable restrictions for COVID containment are still in force across the Jammu Division and have been given top priority to break the chain of transmission at this crucial juncture.

He said that as per the latest orders of SEC, the maximum number of people permitted to attend any Indoor/ Outdoor gathering continues to be strictly restricted to 25.

Dr Langer said that it has been brought to the notice of the administration that some people/commercial entities are violating this ceiling limit of gathering, and are also not adhering to COVID Appropriate Behaviour (CAB), thereby putting the population at large at risk.

The District Magistrates and Senior Superintendents of Police of the Districts of Jammu Division have already been instructed by the Government to strictly enforce the compliance of Covid related SOPs.

Further, he asserted that the night corona curfew and timings of closure of commercial establishments have to be strictly imposed and the defaulters/Violators be firmly dealt under relevant sections of the Disaster Management Act and the IPC.

He appealed all citizens to strictly follow the COVID related guidelines, social distancing norms, wearing of masks and maintaining hand hygiene. He further requested to all target groups to take vaccine doses upon their turn and as per the schedule notified by concerned District Administration.

“Together we can prevent any surge in cases and increase in Positivity Rate, by avoiding gatherings and following Covid Appropriate Behaviour”, the Div Com said.


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