Kashmir Indepth

Be vigilant against fake Facebook account of Zonal PHQ Jammu: Police

Jammu Jan 03: Jammu and Kashmir Police on Tuesday cautioned people against a fake Facebook official account of Zonal Police Headquarters, Jammu, circulating on social media platforms, posing as ADGP Jammu Anand Jain.
Police have asked the people to avoid engaging with any content or messages from the fake account.
“It has come to our attention that there is a fake Facebook official account of Zonal Police Headquarters, Jammu circulating on social media platforms, posing as ADGP Jammu Anand Jain created by one Ashish Kumar having mobile number 09348612039,” read a notice issued by police, while sharing the screenshot of the fake account.
“The impostor introduced himself as Commandant CRPF Bantalab as Security Officer, close friend of Anand Jain, ADGP Jammu. He has stated that he has been transferred to Telangana, and wants to sell his household or electronic items which he cannot carry to the new place of posting. The subject offered to sell the said items amounting to Rs 70000 and requested to send the amount through Google Pay and Phone Pay Number 9175046359 in the name of Manoj Mishra,” the notice further read.

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