SRINAGAR, March 8: A day after Jammu incident, Advisor to Governor, K Vijay Kumar, on Friday said that some elements were luring youngsters to throw grenades like in Syria and Yemen.
“There are some elements, who motivated an ordinary youngster to throw a grenade on the pattern of Syria and Yemen. We will not allow them to succeed in their designs,” Kumar told reporters here. “It is a brutal act to use innocent mind in achieving targets, which they will never achieve. This is a gruesome act.”
He said that security agencies would take appropriate measures to strengthen the security.
He said that government was working for smooth conduct of upcoming polls in the state.
“The security scenario in most situations is stable and fragile in few parts, which has been the case in JK for some time. We are focusing on all these areas to keep stable areas stable and our multiple security forces are working in other areas. We are it to make it (polls) as easy and smooth. We want to facilitate common people to come forward as soon as the process is announced for polls,” he added.