Kashmir Indepth

People will not forgive Mehbooba Mufti for unleashing torments on them: NC

Bejbehara, Apr 18 : Jammu and Kashmir National Conference on Thursday said that people of Kashmir have lost faith in PDP saying that the people would never forgive Mufti’s for betraying and berating their verdict in 2014 by forging alliance with BJP-RSS.

Addressing an election campaign rally at Bijbehara, party’s senior leader Muhammad Akbar Lone said that there is no sympathy for Mehbooba Mufti on ground and that the people of Bijbehara will not forgive her for unleashing torments on the people particularly the people of Bijbehara, who had reposed faith in her during 2014 elections.

“Today she is again coming forth with the same set of promises she made while canvassing for assembly elections in 2014. However what followed is an open secret, it cannot be articulated in words, there aren’t any alphabets that can reveal the massive pain the people of Kashmir particularly the people of south Kashmir are going through,” he said.

“When enjoying the benefits of power, she had bolted her mouth. People who had voted for her were dejected by her changed outlook. People still remember how sordidly she mocked the death and misery of hundreds of families who had to shoulder the coffins of their beloved, with her ‘milk and toffee’ remarks. People remember how appallingly she had asserted that the guns of security forces aren’t for display but action. She shamelessly stuck to her chair when the youth who had voted for her were being fired upon. She didn’t have the gumption to bid good bye to BJP when scores of our youth, and elderly were being blinded and maimed. On the contrary she barefacedly presided over the relentless miseries of people. How can people forget her treachery and political duplicity? People across the state particularly in Kashmir are bidding goodbye to the PDP’s brand of politics, which is based on duplicity, crude lies and political Shenanigans. Mehbooba is herself admitting the fact that people of the state, in particular her workers are disgruntled with her.PDP is a spent force, it never was any; the edifice of PDP has stumbled down under the weight of its own deceit and falsehood,” he said.

Party’s South Zone President Dr. Bashir Ahmad Veeri, while addressing the public meet, said, “Today we see Mehbooba Ji taking pledges for the protection of state’s special status. How can she assume that she can fool people all the time? If she thinks on these lines then she is surely living in a fool’s paradise, people who come to spend time at the Dara Shikoh Park don’t veer around her late father’s tomb, the reason we all know is the doomed embrace of Mufti’s with BJP-RSS. When Mehbooba Ji was told to bow down by BJP, she crawled before them. There is nothing which suggests that she won’t join hands with the BJP in the future also.

He further added, “PDP is still in a tacit alliance with BJP; the way PDP supported BJP’s candidate for the post of deputy chairman of Lokh Sabha reveals it all. Nonetheless, how can she protect the sanctity of our flag now when she couldn’t stand for the interests of Kashmir when in government with BJP? On the contrary, it was she who allowed the implementation of SARFAESI, and NFSA in J&K. what was left of our autonomy; Mufti’s took it upon them to obliterate it. How can she protect it now?”

The leaders who addressed the public meet sought huge winning margin for party’s Anantnag parliamentary constituency candidate Retired Justice Hasnain Masoodi. The leaders said that Masoodi has been known for his pronounced judgments on the special status of J&K. They said that he is the best person to voice for state’s interests both inside and outside parliament.

Among others retired Justice Hasnain Masooodi, Peer Muhammad Hussnain also addressed the public meet and impressed upon the people to rally round the flag of National Conference.

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