After prime minister Narendra Modi in an election rally accused his competitor, Congress party president Rahul Gandhi of trying to tarnish his image by talking about corruption in the Rafale deal, Mr. Gandhi hit back to PM Modi and said the battle is over. “Modji Ji, the battle is over. Your Karma awaits you.”
Earlier, PM Modi while addressing a public rally said that it was Rahul Gandhi’s father and former minister Rajiv Gandhi who really was corrupt when he died.
Reacting over his remarks, Mr. Gandhi said that PM Modi was just projecting his beliefs on to his father, Rajiv Gandhi. He also said that such accusations on his father won’t protect PM Modi.
Taking to Twitter handle, Mr. Gandhi Tweeted, “Modi ji, the battle is over. Your Karma awaits you. Projecting your inner beliefs about yourself onto my father won’t protect you.”
“All my love and a huge hug,” Mr. Gandhi told PM Modi.
PM Modi’s remarks on Rajiv Gandhi for labeling him as corrupt also got a reaction from Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra who condemned the Narender Modi’s remarks.
Ms. Vadra said that PM Modi had “insulted the martyrdom of a righteous and holy man in his unbridled craze”.