Kashmir Indepth

DDC reviews functioning of RDD sector at Kulgam

KULGAM, NOVEMBER 06 (KINS): The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Kulgam, Dr.Bilal Mohi-Ud-Din Bhat today convened a meeting of officers to review the functioning of Rural Development Department.

During the meeting, officers briefed the chair regarding the physical and financial achievements made under different schemes including PMAY, B2V, SBM, MGNREGA and 14th FC etc

The DDC reviewed Block and Panchayat-wise performance made under various schemes and set the timelines for completion of various pending works.

While reviewing the implementation of PMAY-G, the ACD, Mohammad Imran Khan informed the DDC that out of 1715 set targets, 1296 units have been completed in the district under PMAY-G.

During the meeting it was shared that during the current fiscal 25.24 crore wages stand disbursed and currently the percentage of timely wage payment is above 98 percent.

It was also given out that under district Capex 840 works are allotted and 531 works have been taken up.

Officers while briefing about the status of B2V3 works informed that under B2V-3, there is authorization to 180 works and 100 works stand tendered while 77 work projects stands allotted and 20 works have been completed.

Under 14th FC out of 6166 approved works 3409 works were completed and the Percentage of expenditure stands 72.56 percent.

During the meeting, the DDC impressed upon ACD, DPO and BDOs to accelerate the pace of work in their respective areas by adopting innovative methods for effective implementation of schemes at the ground level.

He also directed to complete and submit revised and pending estimates within days for authorization.

He also impressed upon the officers to ensure proper utilization of the remaining work season and to complete the works in their respective jurisdictions/areas.

The meeting was attended by ADDC, JD-Planning, ACD, DPO, Ex. Engineer REW, Block Development Officers and other concerned. (KINS)



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