Kashmir Indepth


Srinagar, 19 Mar 2021. In the continuing saga of performing beyond expectations, the Border Roads Organisation added another feather in its already studded cap, by opening the Mighty ZojiLa Pass on Srinagar-Kargil-Leh road on 19 Mar 2022.
Located at an altitude of 11,650 feet, ZojiLa is a strategic pass, that provides vital link between Kashmir Valley and Ladakh and is the key to operational preparedness of the Armed Forces. The pass normally closes by end-November every year, with the onset of winters, when the temperatures dips to subzero degrees and opens only by mid April the next year. Average closure of pass in earlier years has been 135 days.
The renewed focus on infrastructure development of border areas, mandated requirement of keeping the closure of ZojiLa Pass to the minimum. The ZojiLa Pass was kept open till 04 Jan 2022 and snow clearance operations recommenced on 15 Feb 2022 by Projects Beacon and Vijayak of the BRO. After sustained efforts by BRO the connectivity across Zojila Pass was initially established on 03 Mar 22 and after that, improvement of road surface was carried out for safe passage of vehicles. The Pass was opened on 19 Mar 2022 and trial vehicle passed through it towards Kargil, thereby bringing much needed relief to the people of Ladakh. The Pass was opened this year after a closure of 73 days, as compared to average of 135 days in previous years.

Speaking on the occasion, Lt Gen Rajeev Chaudhry, DGBR, commended the officials of Project Beacon and Vijayak in achieving this feat. It will facilitate availability of essential goods and supplies for people of Ladakh and also assist in movement of army convoys. He reiterated BRO’s commitment to be in the forefront in nation building and be the best construction agency in the extremes. During the interaction, DGBR said that the trial movement has been conducted successfully today and the decision to open road for civil traffic will be taken after the joint inspection by the Civil Administration.

The BRO has again risen to the challenge and lived to its ethos “We Will Either Find A Way, Or Make One”.

PRO (Defence) Srinagar

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