First of all, to drive away all the doubts, the news is complete, total, and absolutely false. His Majesty, King Mswati III, has never ever said anything like this. In spite of many previous controversial reports, this statement does not belong to the King. The country is spoken about in the connection of its women who pass innocence tests regularly and perform thematic festivals. Still, all the rumours about the deficit of husbands and the need to marry more women are just that, rumours.
The reports based on the false statement of the King came in different forms. There appeared variations of the news that contained information regarding marrying two or even five wives.
Mum and her 2 daughters lost to family for 2 years as China cracks down on Muslim worshippers As it was stated by different sources, the new order was going to be brought into effect in June 2019. The new order would allegedly urge men to get married to many wives. The wedding costs would allegedly be covered by the government. What is more, the false articles promised that the government would purchase houses for the newlywed who obeyed the new law. At the same time, the cases of disobedience were said to be prosecuted and to lead to life imprisonment for both men and women.
He named the news ‘poisonous’ and evaluated it as a strong insult to the Swaziland monarchy in particular and a total disgrace to the very essence of journalism, in general. In this connection, King Mswati turned to journalists, social media means and all those who could make news viral with an appeal for responsibility, professionalism, and high morality. Also, the King turned to Zambian Observer with a demand to retract their false, insulting report. Instead of it, they have his official statement now. (Agencies)