Kashmir Indepth

Police says, ‘Registers FIR against URL handler for uploading propagandist material’

Srinagar, Oct 03 (KINS): The Jammu and Kashmir Police Saturday said that it registers FIR against the URL handler for “uploading posts prejudicial to integrity, sovereignty of the country and threat to maintenance of peace and tranquility”.
In a statement issued to news agency KINS the police said, “Police Station Kothibagh received information through reliable sources that some propagandist material is being uploaded and circulated through a website URL https//kashmirfight.wordpress.com
“These posts uploaded on the said URL are not only prejudicial to the integrity, sovereignty of country but threat to maintenance of peace and tranquility as the handler of the above said URL is propagating secessionist and terror related ideology with the intention to achieve goal of separating OUT of J&K from Union of India”.
“Besides, list of political/media persons ,public figures and also posts of Lashkar-i-Islam were uploaded with the intention to create fear psychosis among  individuals”.
“The website/URL is running as a propaganda tool against lawful actions and policies of the Government with the aim to disrupt peace and thus provoking common people to resort to illegal activities”.
“Taking cognizance into the matter a case vide FIR No. 82/2020 under relevant section of law has been registered at PS Kothi Bagh and investigation has been set into motion”.
“The instant case calls for caution among the general public , not to pay any heed to such provocative and derogative posts/URLs and importantly not to further share  such unlawful posts as that may earn legal consequences.
The instant case has also sent a resounding message across the circles of such elements, propagandists and criminals that whatsoever may be the level and degree of their evil plannings they cannot escape from the clutches of law enforcing agencies”. (KINS)

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