Kashmir Indepth

Shalimar canal project advances swiftly under Sgr smart city initiative, CEO SSCL expresses confidence in timely completion

Ishtiyaq Ahmad

Srinagar, Dec 27: Chief Executive Officer, Athar Aamir Khan of Srinagar Smart City Limited (SSCL) provided an update on Wednesday regarding the progress of the Shalimar Canal project, a noteworthy undertaking within the broader scope of the Srinagar Smart City initiative. Khan conveyed that the project is currently advancing at a vigorous pace, and he expressed optimism about its timely completion.
The commitment to full-scale efforts reflects the dedication of SSCL to realize the objectives of the Srinagar Smart City initiative, showcasing the organization’s determination to deliver on crucial urban development projects for the benefit of the community.
Athar Aamir Khan highlighted the pivotal role the Shalimar Canal would play in connecting Shalimar Garden to Dal Lake via the new Northern Lake Front.

He expressed satisfaction with the ongoing pace of construction, affirming that the project is advancing at full throttle.
“The Shalimar Canal project is a vital component of our commitment to enhance the urban infrastructure of Srinagar under the Smart City initiative. This canal will not only serve as a picturesque waterway but will also bolster connectivity between two iconic locations, Shalimar Garden and Dal Lake,” Athar Khan stated.
He further elaborated on the technical aspects of the project, emphasizing that meticulous planning has been undertaken to ensure environmental sustainability and minimize any potential impact on the surrounding areas.
“The canal’s route through the new Northern Lake Front has been carefully chosen to integrate seamlessly with the existing landscape, preserving the natural beauty of the surroundings. Our focus is not just on completing the project efficiently but also on creating a lasting asset that adds value to the city and its residents,” Khan explained.
Regarding the timeline for completion, CEO Athar Khan conveyed optimism, stating, “Our teams are working diligently, and I am pleased to announce that we are on track to finish the Shalimar Canal project within the next couple of months. This is a testament to the dedication and collaborative effort of everyone involved in this venture.”
The Shalimar Canal project aligns with the broader vision of the Srinagar Smart City initiative, which aims to transform Srinagar into a technologically advanced, sustainable, and citizen-friendly urban center.
As the construction progresses, anticipation is building among the residents of Srinagar, who eagerly await the realization of this transformative project that promises not only improved infrastructure but also an enhanced quality of life.

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