Srinagar, June 18 (KINS): Jammu and Kashmir Police Chief Dilbag Singh on Thursday said a large number of militants are waiting at launching pads across the Line of Control (LoC) to crossover into Indian territory in Kashmir and ceasefire violations by Pakistan are also an attempt to push infiltrators according to inputs received by security forces.
As per news agency KINS, he claimed there were “over 300 militants at launching pads along the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir are ready to infiltrate into the union territory to increase the pitch of violence in the Valley, according to reports”.
“In view of the Ladakh standoff, Pakistan will try to infiltrate more militants and also give impetus to violence in Kashmir Valley and elsewhere”, Singh said.
Singh was chairing a high-level meeting of officers to review the security scenario in J&K particularly on the borders.(KINS)