Kashmir Indepth

First flight with pilgrims to arrive on July 16 Make proper arrangements to receive Hajj Pilgrims at Srinagar Airport: Div Com to officers

SRINAGAR, JULY 08: The Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole today convened a meeting to review the arrangements to facilitate Hajjis on their arrival at Srinagar Airport.
The meeting was attended by Additional Commissioner Kashmir, Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Additional Deputy Commissioner Budgam, Executive Officer Haj Committee, Director Health Services, Director Airport Authority, Officers of CISF, BCAS, SMC, Information, Fire & Emergency, Traffic and other concerned Departments.
On the occasion, Div Com directed officers to make arrangements to receive and greet Pilgrims on their arrival at the Srinagar Airport.
It was informed that the first flight with Pilgrims shall arrive on July 16 at 8:30am in the morning, besides three flights will arrive on the first day between 8:30am to 10:00 am.
It was also informed that Zum Zum water shall be distributed among the Pilgrims at Srinagar Airport.
The Director Airport Authority Srinagar was asked to make arrangements for vehicles of relatives of Hajjis who shall approach to receive their respective Pilgrims at Srinagar Airport.
Besides, he asked the Executive Officer of Hajj Committee to make arrangements regarding security passes of the vehicle of persons/ relatives who shall receive Hajjis.
Moreover, Div Com stressed on the officers of health to make their health services available at the Airport to provide medical facilities to those Pilgrims who require any help.
He asked traffic police to facilitate the smooth and unhindered movement of vehicles of Hujjaj.
Similarly, other concerned Departments were also asked to put their respective arrangements in place for the entire period of arrival of Pilgrims from Mecca.

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