Jammu, May 29(KINS): Amid the fight with Corona virus, doctors at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital performed a complex heart surgery and saved precious life.
As per medical bulletin avaliable with news agency KINS, 31-year-old Kirti, a resident of Rohini in Delhi, was suffering from chronic cardiac ailments since past four years. It was in the last week of April when she needed an urgent open-heart surgery. She was on medical observation and treatment for her leaking heart valve since last four years. She was suffering with “Bicuspid Aortic Valve”, a congenital abnormality of aortic valve which doesn’t cause any problem in ninty percent of the patients.
Her Echocardiogram was repeated in last week of April it and it was discovered that along with her leaking heart valve, she had significant enlargement of ascending aorta (the aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body which carries an oxygen-rich blood from the heart to every part of the body) which had expanded to five centimeter as against normal size of three centimeter.
This is a potentially dangerous condition as abnormally expanded aorta can rupture anytime leading to dissection of aorta.
The Cardio Thoracic surgery and cardiology team at Indraprastha Apollo, led by Dr Mukesh Goel and Dr Rajeev Kumar Rajput conducted the high-risk Open-Heart Surgery of Bentall’s Procedure that involved replacement of the leaking valve and abnormal portion of ascending aorta .
Dr Mukesh Goel, Senior Consultant, Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgery and Heart & Lung Transplant, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals said,” In a six hour long open heart procedure, we did Bentall procedure.
A Bentall surgery is used to rectify the combined problems with the aortic valve and ascending aorta. it replaces the damaged valve and aorta utilizing a specialized valved graft and re-implants coronary arteries into the graft. Post-surgery the patient also experienced a heart rhythm block for which a pacemaker was implanted.”
“After recovering successfully , the she was discharged on 10th May. She will be able to lead a normal life with periodic monitoring and care”, he further added.
Dr Rajeev Kumar Rajput, Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals said,” Bicuspid Aortic Valve is a congenital condition with no consequences in ninty percent of the patients. In a few, aoric valve needs replacement for narrowing or leakage. In some patients of bicuspid aortic valve, the ascending aorta can enlarge abnormally ( normal size of ascending aorta is 2.5 to 3 cm, it becomes dangerous beyond 4.5 cm). If not treated timely, this condition can be catastrophic and life threatening because of dissection and rupture of aorta.”
“Cardiovascular diseases are on an all-time high in India because of poor lifestyle, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and also the ageing population and increased life expectancy. The aging process itself affects the cardiovascular system, thus we need to take care of our heart health proactively to lead a healthier life in the older age”, he further added.
“Initially we were apprehensive of getting the operation done because of the fear of COVID 19, but Indraprastha Apollo has a separate Non COVID area with teams that the absolute hygiene was
maintained and all infection control measures are being followed. We would like to also thank the nursing team for taking care of me round the clock with absolute empathy,” said the patient.